Skills Testing

At Helios Recruitment, we understand that finding the right candidate for a job involves more than just evaluating their experience and qualifications. That's why we offer a range of skills testing services to help our clients assess a candidate's competency in specific areas such as language proficiency, technical skills, or soft skills.

These tests are designed to provide an objective evaluation of a candidate's abilities, and our experienced recruiters work closely with our clients to ensure that the right tests are used for each job opening. By utilising our skills testing services, our clients can be confident that they are receiving the most qualified candidates for their job openings, ultimately helping to drive their business success.

Helios Recruitment can undertake, if required the following steps to assess the proficiency and capabilities of candidates in specific areas.

  • Job Analysis: The first step is to conduct a job analysis to determine the key skills and competencies required for the position. This helps in identifying the specific areas that need to be tested during the recruitment process.

  • Test Development: Based on the job analysis, the hiring team or subject matter experts develop or select appropriate tests to evaluate the candidates' skills. These tests can include written exams, practical assessments, online quizzes, coding challenges, simulations, or any other form of assessment relevant to the job.

  • Test Administration: Once the tests are developed, the next step is to administer them to the candidates. This can be done in-person at a designated testing centre, online through a secure platform, or a combination of both, depending on the nature of the skills being tested.

  • Test Scoring and Evaluation: After the candidates have completed the tests, their responses are scored and evaluated. This can be done manually by trained assessors or automatically by computerised systems, depending on the type of tests used. The scoring criteria should be well-defined and consistent for fair evaluation.

  • Candidate Screening: The candidates' test scores are then compared against predetermined benchmarks or criteria to determine their suitability for the role. Those who meet the desired skill levels or achieve minimum scores move on to the next stage of the recruitment process.

  • Further Assessment: Depending on the organisation's requirements, candidates who pass the initial skills testing may be called for additional assessments, such as interviews, group discussions, or practical demonstrations, to further evaluate their abilities and fit for the role.

  • Selection Decision: Based on the overall performance in the skills testing and other assessment stages, the hiring team makes a selection decision. The candidates who demonstrate the required skills and meet the organisation's criteria are considered for job offers.

It's important to note that the specific steps and processes may vary depending on the organisation, industry, and job role. Some companies may also use pre-employment testing services or assessments provided by external vendors to streamline the skills testing process.